A Universe in the making.

Zoombies NFT World
3 min readApr 7, 2021


We only know what we know.

The history of the Universe and the arrow of time. Image credit: NASA / GSFC.

In the world of Smart Contracts, the arrow of time moves in one direction. We can observe history from our current standpoint, but we cannot foretell the future. There are an infinite number of outcomes in the short and long term of The Cryptoz NFT Universe determined by you, the actor inside the system.

The Rules of the Universe are embedded in the Binance Smart Chain contract , this is the history in it’s complete detail, accurate and immutable. The contract rules cannot be changed or updated. Only now can we gain a lens to observe the current state but never the future state of the Cryptoz Universe. What fun would that be… if we all knew the fate of the Universe?

So let’s go over what we know right now — April 5, 2021. All numbers started at zero.

  • BSC Universe Big Bang Creation Event: 25 days ago
  • NFTs minted in the Universe: 127,253
  • Total Card Types to mint: 159
  • Total wallets owning Cryptoz Cards NFTs: 18,089

Rarity Distribution of NFTs:

Known Issues. What we know now

It is very important for us to outline the known functions and anomalies in the Universe. The information below is transparently available from both the contract source code and the dApp source code, so there are no secrets or rugs being pulled now or in the future :)

These are just circumstantial conditions of human error. Keep in mind, contract flaws can NEVER be fixed ( remember the arrow of time ? ).

The Smart contract is not upgradable and has no pause or off switch. Flaws we have discovered to date (and any that are discovered in the future) will continue to shape the Universe and we will always be transparent with our players about these anomalies. The Rules of the Universe apply to all participants equally.

Anomalies and/or functions in the BSC Cryptoz Cards Smart Contract:

  • Booster credits are not capped. The initial intent was to limit the amount of booster credits that could be awarded to players.
  • There is a function in the contract to allow burning of CZXP to increase odds of minting rarer NFT booster cards.
  • Minting of FREE cards from the Shop prohibits minting of the last card in the limited Edition. This only affects cards with a FREE sale price and does NOT result in anyone receiving an incorrect or extra card. It simply displays the total number of cards in the edition incorrectly. The minting Shop corrects this display. i.e: 3/4 Cards minted — will never allow the 4/4 to be minted.
Mint for Free, prevents minting last edition

Anomalies and/or functions in the dApp web/mobile client:

  • Platinum cards are currently being displayed as Diamond cards only in the Cryptoz NFT Crypts (will be fixed in a future update). Platinum cards are displaying correctly in the markets.

Marching on..

As we discover more information and exciting milestones we will continue to share through Twitter, Medium Blog posts and Telegram.

The Cryptoz NFT Universe is yours.

Make it what you want it to be.

It is a dynamic economic simulation with unlimited outcomes. Don’t assume there is a finite version, every day people are influencing the direction

What part will you play in the expanding Cryptoz Universe ?

Until next time, have fun !

All data referenced above is available from the official BSC Cryptoz NFT Universe contracts:

Cryptoz Cards BEP-721 Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Smart Contract
CryptoZ eXPerience BEP-20 fungible Token Smart Contract



Zoombies NFT World

Zoombies ( formerly Cryptoz) minting platforms are collectible NFT zombie cards built on Scarcity, Rarity and Community deployed on BSC, Moonriver, Moonbeam